Stuff I am involved with that you should know about

Here are a bunch of things I am putting energy into and excited about – and I think I owe these things some attention and I could be doing a better job sharing what I’ve been involving myself in – in general.

  1. March 28, 2013 – Full Moon Party at Upstairs – I’m DJing as AFK at this event – lots of great music and surprises of the sleeves of the folks putting it on. Tickets are inexpensive and the night will be quite worth going out for. It’s not a school night – the next day is Good Friday!
  2. April 5th, 2013 – Symphony in the City at Uptown – this night will feature live music from Kytami, a photobooth and an instrument petting zoo as well as food and refreshments. I’ve been involved  in a marketing advisory role as a volunteer member of their Symphony in the City committee. I’m looking forward to this event as it’s for a good cause (fundraising for the Victoria Symphony) and combines great music with night life.
  3. April 6th, 2013 – TEDxVictoria’s Open House – Want to get inside the team that puts on Victoria’s own TEDx event? This is the best place to do it – here you can meet the team, TEDx speakers, mingle and find your own way to make this year’s event the best yet. I’m involved with TEDxVictoria more than ever before, and in many ways, this year is a big one for us. I am involved as a main Organizer and Director of Marketing and Communications. If you haven’t signed up for our eNewsletter yet, it’s the best way to stay in the loop about what we are doing.

That’s all I have time to say right now. Busy times ahead, many months in the making .. one thing leads to another.

Is this really about the TV?


When you walk everywhere, you are going slow enough to see things faster.

I found this while walking to work at Vancouver and Burdett. At the side of the road in this area, one can frequently find televisions of the cathode-ray tube variety – you know, the big old TVs that are extremely heavy and emit radiation. Thanks to LCD/plasma screens, these are a good example of obsolete and low quality – and sometimes plain incompatibility. Someone had painted these letters on the screen. I’m not sure if it is public art, or a warning, or a statement of philosophy which extends to anything in the interpreters mind – but it could be all three. Certainly there can be a cost to picking up something that has systemic failings or something that has become antiquated.. But I wonder what this could mean to you – the person looking at this right now. Comments? Thoughts?

LinkedIn is replacing my status updates with different content

In what I can only assume is some bizarre mistake by LinkedIn, some of my status updates on LinkedIn that contain links to this blog are being replaced by what appear to be advertisements in the main news feed – yet appear normal to me on my own profile. Below are screen shots.

How one update appears in the general news feed:

Screen Shot 2013-03-05 at 8.47.22 AM

What the update actually was:Screen Shot 2013-03-05 at 8.46.37 AM

Of course this is troubling to me, as I am careful about what kind of content I share with my network, and want to protect them from messages that contain no value. I really don’t like that this is going on and have sent LinkedIn a notification that is the current scenario.

Who speaks for earth?

This image of Carl Sagan done in Adobe Illustrator CS5

“…the world impoverishes itself by spending half a trillion dollars a year in preparations for war and by employing perhaps half the scientists and high technologists on the planet in military endeavors.

How would we explain all this to a dispassionate, extraterrestrial observer? What account would we give of our stewardship of the planet earth?

Fundamental changes in society are sometimes labeled impractical or contrary to human nature: as if nuclear war were practical or as if there were only one human nature. But fundamental changes can clearly be made. We are surrounded by them. In the last two centuries abject slavery, which was with us for thousands of years, has almost entirely been eliminated in a stirring world wide revolution. Women, systematically mistreated for millennia, are gradually gaining the political and economic power traditionally denied to them. And some wars of aggression have recently been stopped or curtailed because of a revulsion felt by the people in the aggressor nations. The old appeals to racial, sexual and religious chauvinism and to rabid nationalism are beginning not to work. A new consciousness is developing which sees the earth as a single organism and recognizes that an organism at war with itself is doomed. We are one planet.

We have heard the rationales offered by the superpowers. We know who speaks for the nations; but who speaks for the human species? Who speaks for earth?” – Carl Sagan, 1980.