
this is very interesting for anyone in victoria who uses moveabletype: in fact, the whole idea is pretty interesting. i have always been into online geek real life conferencing (or “meets” as they are referred to by most people) and this is a neato looking tool for such planning. if you are in […]

here we go!

i went to thetis lake yesterday evening after work. i thought it was going to be a bit cold, but it was not at all. it was surprisingly warm and not even cold enough to be referred to as invigorating. don’t get me wrong, it was extremely refreshing! we dried off, watched the sun set, […]

on strike

that’s it! i am not updating my website (besides this entry) because none of my friends are updating theirs.. they’re just waiting for me to update mine so they can look at it and not update their own. well to heck with them all! damn you and such, i say! update your damn sites! grrrrrrr!!!!