the metabottle worked! now i’m just waiting for an email back from that Rob dude. rob dude! email me! i kicked butt in tenis tonight. working out at the gym on sunday night made a big difference in my playing tonight.. the racquet did everything my brain told it to.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
a mountain in the nimpkish valley myself and craig are recording the first episode of z00mradio, a show that is going to air on on the last friday evening of the month. it’ll be a monthly show and we’ve decided to go with a 2 hour show instead of a 3 hour because this […]
north island express
i had a really awesome week, capped off by an entertaining radio show.. this picture is from the nimpkish valley!
from port mcneil
that is a picture of my friend angie. the other day she dropped off a book for me that was about writing and marketing hit songs. i don’t particularly want to make anything resembling a hit song, but i am interested in the marketing aspect of it, and i am also interested in reading a […]
i am going to port hardy today for 3 days! for those who don’t know where that is, or for that matter, where i live in the world, i live in victoria, which is on the southern tip of an island on the north west side of north america, sitting between seattle and vancouver. over […]
spam from rogers
i just got a text message on my cell phone from Rogers about one of their new promotions. i promptly phoned them and informed them that, when Rogers sends me the next “promotional message,” i will be switching to Telus. odd thought: some people take the elevator and then go home to exercise on a […]
valentines 2004
what is it?
wow is my printer ever a piece of junk. i just printed out the cover for friday’s resonance show and it looks like garbage. ladies and gentlemen, i have a lexmark Z33. i think you get what you pay for when it comes to lexmark. this printer was about $80 a few years ago. piece […]
i can not call my angriness a mistake; it was how i reacted. my response was written feeling, which i think is perfectly fair. my email was responded to by the president of rogue amoeba, and he defended the way things were set up in their program. i appreciated that he responded to my email […]