defrag more!

man my server’s hard drive is fragged something fierce. so if you’re checking my site and it’s down, or if you have a site on my server and it’s down, it’s cause i am defragging the server’s hard drive while i sleep. (yes i am that talented.) this doesn’t excuse you from having to update […]


i went with charles to go meet up with this guy named ninjadano. we met up, connected really well, and it was good times in general. we did The Coffee at white spot, ate some mediocre food and brainstormed. what was most important is that we got to know eachother and understand what was important […]


i’m playing tennis again tonight. more tennis is good stuff. later i am helping nickgurns out with his resume’s look and sometime tonight i figure on working on my taxes, which probably need to be submitted online during office hours. eastern time. shimmer is done. like really done. i’m making a CD cover for it […]