Dear Hugh, I started off by sending your parent network a letter to let them know what has been published in your paper, specifically the article titled “Educate First Nations to be Modern Citizens.” While I am not surprised by the overtly racist opinions that still exist in Canada, I am deeply offended by the […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
This duck followed me briefly up Yates street this morning and said “quack,” which I think means hello. Then he flew away.
Stuff I am involved with that you should know about
Here are a bunch of things I am putting energy into and excited about – and I think I owe these things some attention and I could be doing a better job sharing what I’ve been involving myself in – in general. March 28, 2013 – Full Moon Party at Upstairs – I’m DJing as […]
production cache
I’ve been uploading the master files for all my music up to my webserver for archival purposes and also for sharing. Not a lot of frills and no catches here – take what you want.
Irish Tennis
Irish Tennis is when you play tennis on St. Patricks Day.
LinkedIn is replacing my status updates with different content
In what I can only assume is some bizarre mistake by LinkedIn, some of my status updates on LinkedIn that contain links to this blog are being replaced by what appear to be advertisements in the main news feed – yet appear normal to me on my own profile. Below are screen shots. How one […]
Sugata Mitra – School in the Cloud
You may have seen me recently waxing about social media for learning practitioners. Well, if you followed that, you need to see this. [ted id=1678] This is completely transformational. On that note, Sugata Mitra just won the 2013 TED Prize. Thanks to Dylan for the heads up on this one.
Plotting and scheming..
Just a note – this is what I do for fun on my flex days in the years 2011-current..
Related to nothing
I forgot that I enjoy writing. I just remembered that yesterday, while writing. So, hello again. I am writing here more, at least for now.
Social Media tools for Learning Practitioners
With social media, we have the potential to learn a lot from one another, take those learnings, and transfer them en-masse. As a learning practitioner, you may find that this skill will or has already become critical to your success in building knowledge capacity in others. What is a learning practitioner? For the purpose of […]