
Lost really has two disparate meanings. Losing things is about the familiar falling away, getting lost is about the unfamiliar appearing. There are objects and people that disappear from your sight or knowledge or possession; you lose a bracelet, a friend, the key. You still know where you are. Everything is familiar except that there […]

social media [change+camp] that matters

I’ve been attending a number of events lately that have loose and strong connections: Social Media CampĀ – a conference for the social media industry Victoria Change Camp – an unconference for social innovation put on by Social Innovators Network & volunteers Welcome to the Board – a workshop on board leadership and governance organized by […]

Primal Leadership

Leadership is a topic I gravitated towards in my business degree years ago. I stocked up on leadership electives and applied the concepts broadly in all of my other courses as much as possible, since one of the roots of business is leadership in essence. Whether you’re building a new company, changing the course of […]