a new website

here’s another new website i made over the last few months, just launched this week: woot. clicky for site. he’ll also be in from australia at Hush (in Victoria) on Saturday, April 30th. yeah! i am happy ’cause charles is coming over for the James Holden and Chloe shows next week i finally get to […]

we believe

here are some photos from my last visit to Hush in Victoria. note the off-the-hook-status of the club. lifted from the Hush website: Show up early for this one, last time we were lined up to the Gap. am i excited? yes. expectations: par-ty.

same day

i think this is the first time in a very long time that i am posting pictures the same day i have taken them. i don’t know why that may have been but i think it’s more a reflection of my lifestyle than anything. these are the three shots i took today. the fire hydrant […]


me and thor made this thing out of icecubes at quentin’s the other night i have spent half the weekend figuring out how to install scode for moveable type. okay here is the list of dependencies (top down): moveable type (blog software) scode (image-comment verification system) GD (Gif or Graphic Designer) and GD.pm (Perl Module) […]

punky macromaniac

hi. ya. it is friday night. party up in duncan, there is also a party on saturday night. maybe i will save myself for that nite. i dunno what saving means. i want to play tennis tomorrow, but weather may prevent that from happening. too. much. coffee. today. what! i watched huckabees last night with […]

grain and grit

so i was reading this article on a photographer who was in iran during the revolution of 1978-1979, and it had this real cool bit on photo grain that i wanted to share with joo all: even those of us who have never directly experienced the chaos of revolution can feel that revolution is a […]