yeah.. part deux.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
can’t sleep
too much on my mind..
dirty filthy rumors, aww yeah
these kind of rumors can’t hurt..
crazy for you
the path to destruction!
i think 2005 is the year of technical server [bleep] not working right. did the ancients think of that? “2005 will be the year all the crap we invented in the last 10 years becomes incredibly unreliable but we discover that we don’t really care that much anyway.” for online stores, it’s like the equivalent […]
lets get crunk
as usual i thought of a tonne of interesting things to say on my blog while i was on the seabus to north vancouver. as usual, i opened my notebook and wrote about something else. so, i have this to say: tell me your story.
ten mile point
i went exploring the other night at ten mile point and found the craziest phospheressence .. unfortunately it was impossible to capture with a photograph — even though my camera was cranked to 400 ISO (hence the grain) on F2.0 at various time exposures up to 15 seconds. limitation of the camera, i am sure […]
ria got her india on
aaaaaaaaaaaand she’s back from india. and for the first time in two weeks, i am in my apartment. and it feels like a hotel room.
smells like updog
okay i have been SLAYING many of my friends with hilarium in the form of the updog joke for the last day. nicole demands credit for this joke because she heard it from somebody that i don’t know in picture butte. well then. so there! HILARIOUS. i would like to officially recognize nicole for importing […]