photo by jim mckenna. saturday was beautiful. saturday was nonstop. saturday was intense. saturday was educational. saturday was exhausting. saturday was meaningful. saturday was entertaining. saturday was emotional. saturday was exhilerating. saturday was unbelievable. saturday was vemf.

come to me

“come to me” a new choon by (sir) james “texas” holden .. really awesome. i am addicted to it. it’s really quirky and weird and not too unlike his unreleased britney spears remixes. for real. busy next two weeks: finishing (phase 1), interview with CBC for VEMF, TV show proposal, NewVI’s morning show next […]


title courtesy of erik. what a [censored] awesome weekend. hung out with a long-lost friend, met up with micah who is the first-non-west-coaster to be signed to Pacific Front Recordings, and also hooked up with cary chang who is just an all-around fabulous guy with connections in every direction. thank you muchly to my gracious […]