kay first check out this video: he-man does four non blondes (yes it is safe for work) okay it is my thought that skeletor, when he was alive, was a chicago gangster, 30’s or 40’s era. the only difference between the way he speaks and the gangster is he is more nasal that awesome reverb […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
boourns for the people
ever loved boourns but didn’t find it classy enough for every day desktop presentation? i have the solution for you. in ghilariousu style, pixelviolation brings you boourns: i was saying boourns. boourns. always and forever.
i will be djing at hush tonight with DJ Emit and Joshua. yeah this will be pretty cool. i know it’s a tuesday night so i don’t really expect many people will be there, it’s hard to go out on tuesday nights for sure. i’ll be playing the main slot. oh! me and vince will […]
luke chable, shiloh & me @ lush – hush oct 8th
on Saturday October the 8th Lush at Hush presents Luke Chable, Shiloh and ariz0na. yeah this is gonna rock! uh huh! let me take some sort of stock of who i’ve played with in the last year in a bit in no order: hybrid, max graham, freaky chakra, kevin shiu, phil k, john morgan, and […]
slowing down
i feel like, way more organized, and like i’ve got my [bleep] together. way more so now than any time in recent memory. enough so that i can do random projects, start and finish them in 2 or 3 days. as opposed to 6 months of loose ends. happen-making. cool. lets keep this .. up!
technofest in chinatown
the great thing about teh interweb is that if you think you’ve made something up, you can check. so i checked, and it turns out i have NOT made roflmania up this morning. how very disappointing,argh!
secret adventure
dbClifford live @ steamers
here are some pictures i took at steamers last night during the dbClifford show. i was impressed with the performance. get this: the funk and style of jamoroquai with the timing and precision of tool. woah wtf. so cool. you can click on any of these images for bigger versions.