Category Archives: Uncategorized
krishen at lido key
Lido Key is near Sarasota, which is near Tampa Bay. lazy day today, going to go shopping soon. slept 12 hours last night!
stupid things: guy at counter in victoria says “get your baggage when you get into vancouver because you’ll need to pass it through customs in vancouver.” apparently security is pretty tight in victoria to vancouver flights now, even more so than vancouver to atlanta. figure that one out. in victoria i had to take off […]
heinous messaging
and the award for most remarkably out of touch marketing campaign this week goes to: milk who has put out this 30 second commercial. I saw it slotted in during The Daily Show with Jon Stuart. tonight. okay watch it before reading any further. yes that’s right, you get four (?) girls singing about how […]
knock knock
my next DJ gig is thursday, february the 9th at Hush. it is a fundraiser for the open door society of victoria. come support a good cause and enjoy great music simultaneously! i’ll be doing the warm up set as i don’t get to do that too often and i quite enjoy music of a […]
blumenwiese neben autobah
got a few more things to do on this site in terms of CSS and such. tweaks and whatnot. i love being my own client. it’s pretty satisfying. myself and nathan started a new track last night and it was madness. can’t say too much yet. but i really like it. was going to book […]
markarian 421
ladybugs for trixie
tilted tonight
clicky for big
save me from this wasting pull me from this wreckage though i’ll try to lay the blame on you yes i’ll try to lay the blame on you hold me so i wont fall apart kiss me till you undo the hurt and ill try to lay the blame on you yes i’ll try to […]