grey frees blue and time slides inspirations take flight and reality hides black consumes blue places hold still move across the water, now there’s nothing left to fill
Category Archives: Uncategorized
I’m getting a haircut tonight. At 7:30. Is that late for a haircut? hahaha So.. I heard about the Guns n Roses riots that happened last night in Vancouver. What a bunch of losers. I honestly can’t understand 1) how it was that Axl Rose missed a plane from LA to Vancouver and yet the […]
i think it was around
i think it was about 2 years ago that these posters were up on poles and walls all around Victoria. Chlorine used to be on Thursday nights at the defunct Neptune Soundbar. Neptune Soundbar’s old space is now occupied by Diablos Nightclub. Yoseff, Nigel Haze and Jemma put the night together for the most part, […]
In my dreams I’m dying all the time When I wake its kaleidoscopic mind I never meant to hurt you I never meant to lie So this is goodbye This is goodbye.
check this out
don’t they look similar upside down? Hehe. Last night at Hush was alright.. although it was so cold. i wonder if that place has any heating. Working the door freezes you. It really does. I had found an old plug-in heater the week before and so I had that going but it really doesn’t put […]
there aint nothin
better than sleeping all day. awwwww yeah. sometimes I feel like I’m missing something if I sleep in .. today, no. Mmmm mmm sleep is so good. last nights party was superb. it was one of those parties where no matter when you leave, you feel you’re leaving too early. everyone was uber nice and […]
party tonight
I’m going to a little get together tonight. It’s Hallowe’en themed and it looks like I’ll bring my Aladdin costume along with me. Maybe. 🙂 picture by girlrepair
the other man
you know he’s not the one for you but that’s no fault of mine he knows that I’m a friend of yours but doesn’t know I’ve crossed the line i know you’ve got a man in the picture but it hasn’t stopped me yet we’ve all been in one situation or another we regret now […]
That is Ria, a good friend of mine. Ria has been from Toronto for the last two months but I’ve barely hung out with her. d’Oh! I rented “Showtime” last night, yet another cop movie with Eddie Murphy in it. Also, it is yet another Robert De Niro movie. Now, De Niro is my favorite […]