Design Currency: Defining the Value of Design

This past week was Design Currency: Defining the Value of Design, an installment of Icograda’s world-wide Design Week series. This was a multidisciplinary design conference – there were speakers that had backgrounds in business, education, marketing, advertising, industrial design, journalism, city planning, consulting, strategy, and much more. I’ve written a number of posts on defining […]

my new tree

Here is a tree. It now lives in the same place as I do – it just moved in earlier this week. It enjoys watching television and basking in sunlight. This kind of tree is referred to as a Pony Tail Palm Tree. In other plant-related minutiae, I have either killed or extended the life […]

photographer war

Competition is tough – Vladimir from catches Xavier from XaVier Photography by surprise and takes him down during a Sunset Collaborations photo shoot. Eye witnesses at the scene said the scuffle was over the unauthorized use of the uppercase letter “V” by XaVier. Neither party were available for comment when contacted via Facebook Chat.

beyond gold

Some things in life cannot be won by, you know, skiing really fast or spinning lots in the air over ice. Those things are a little thing I like to call “Beyond Gold.” You know what I’m sayin’? Yeaaah. I’m headed over to Vancouver later today. I hear there is something going on over there […]