totally boss

Nickgurns brought me back a present from Tokyo. As you can see, it is boss. Thanks Nickgurns! I don’t actually know what it is, but I suspect what Nick was trying to tell me was that it is coffee in a can. Wicked! this is something I can enjoy while sitting on my new Hawaii […]


This is Willows Beach near Estevan Village, yesterday at noon. Just a reminder that Frisky Radio’s spotlight on Canada airs tomorrow starting at 11 AM PST with: Paranoid Jack Deadmau5 Kristian Littmann AFK Mistress Barbara John Morgan Mute & Laki Hatiras Kevin Shiu More info: Frisky Loves Canada Also: Who has RSS feeds? I do! […]

on breakfast

Here is Peter at Floyds. I was sitting across from him in another booth. Peter has mentioned to me previously that he may own the place, and to prove this, he is sitting here with what appears to be the accountant. I’m not too sure. She ordered soup, but that proves nothing. Anyone can eat […]