
ignore for a moment, that there is a man in the upper right quadrant of this photo. and then consider the notion: every working person in the world is in this photo, and all the money in the world is also in this photo. where are they? where is it? with the chains, the hydraulics, […]

things in the works

There are a number of things going on right now. I guess I better make a list: The photo above is of one of our African Zebra Cichlids. Yes, those are eyes inside its mouth. There are fish swimming around in there – it’s a mouth brooder. The Victoria Electronic Music Festival is happening on […]

oh really?

I am not too sure what was going on here or exactly when this was taken. As you can see I was not holding the camera – I think Graham had picked it up and snapped a few shots while we were at Adam and Jessica’s housewarming. What do you think we were being told […]

thank you internet!

The internet is many things, and this very website is one of those things. The other things are somewhere else and I’ve been holding back a few links to those things for some time now – I’ve been waiting for an appropriate post to link from, however I have decided I am not interested in […]