zebra bug

We were walking along Fort Street and a ton of these guys came crawling out from the Military Recruitment offices near Blanshard. In all the years I have lived in Victoria, I have never – ever – seen a bug that looks like this. Anyone know what this is? August 18, 2009 Update: Jennifer has […]

ph0ng pants

Tonight myself, Mike and Adam went out for some Indian food. I rarely go out for Indian food, but tonight I felt like trying something a little different so we went to Spice Jammer on Fort Street. It was good, but slow, very slow. I think we got there at the end of a rush, […]


Hey, the VEMF website is now featuring artists for this years installment. This year, I’ll be spinning at The Sunset Room on Sunday night at 11 PM until midnight. Aside from the festival, I will also be spinning at Whitebird Lounge on the Saturday night of the same weekend from around 9:30 PM until 11:30 […]

.dvb bd

10 jupiters for DaveyB‘s birthday bonanza down at Whitebird Lounge. Myself and Graham provided the soundtrack in a set where we switched up every ~45 minutes. I’ll be spinning at Whitebird Lounge again on Saturday, August 2nd (VEMF weekend). LOMO’d!