I’m headed to Winnipeg tomorrow for a few days. There *will* be updates from the road, provided there is readily available internet. The camera and laptop will be coming with me. It’s been absolutely beautiful here in Victoria the last several days. We went for a walk on Monday night down to Dallas Road – […]
Category Archives: photography
floodgate interest rates
Here’s a wider view of the weir. See if you can see, in it, where the previous photo came from. I’ve been using this weir as a metaphor for monetary policy’s use of interest rates recently. As mentioned, the weir is used to regulate the level of the river and lake by providing more or […]
weir at lake cowichan
The website has been given a new lighter treatment. Let’s call it tech-rust. The above photo is from the weir at Lake Cowichan – actually not too far from the Caycuse Bell a couple entries back. It was built in 1956 and serves to regulate levels of both the lake and the river. On the […]
laura mitic at cabin 12
Bare with me here, I’m going to get nerdy. The Canon 5D Mark 2 at ISO6400 with a 50mm at F1.4 is basically night vision. This photo is brighter than it actually was there by a wide margin. Though it’s not grain-free, it’s completely usable and I am rather impressed by the whole deal. Likewise […]
caycuse bell
This is Caycuse Bell in Lake Cowichan. The town of Caycuse has an interesting history as a floating village on the south west end of Lake Cowichan. Caycuse had 400 loggers/residents at its peak in the 1900s. Not yet a ghost town, 13 people currently live on the land in that area, though I’ve seen […]
the knot garden in centennial square
This is the Knot Garden in Centennial Square in downtown Victoria. It’s a sunken garden on the west side of the square, right beside the Macpherson Theatre. By June 2009, it will be gone. I’ve always liked this little garden, but I can’t deny the need for change in Centennial Square. Here are the plans […]
Homelessness Discussion in Victoria
This week I went to a discussion on homelessness facilitated by the Downtown Residents Association. The new police chief Jamie Graham spoke, as did Jill Clements and Charlayne Thorton-Joe from the homelessness coalition, and Ken Kelly from the DVBA. A summary of the talk can be found on Robert Randall‘s website. Update: Read more on […]
Tankers seem to loiter in English Bay quite a bit. Taken from Spanish Banks. West Vancouver in the background. I have a couple shows coming up that I want to tell you about: Saturday April 4th @ Whitebird Lounge – chill set at the lounge on Yates St. under the Odeon/Lyles Place. Saturday May 23rd […]
cn trackstar
Check out that tracksuit. This guy has his priorities set. Get the tracksuit, run anywhere, anytime, for any reason. Mad respect.
two tracks
This is in North Vancouver near the CN rail yards. There are no shortage of metaphors that one could use an image like this for. I could use it to lead explanations of different management techniques, DJing, producing, etc etc. Instead I am using it as my new desktop background.