no lyrics

tonight i looked through lyrics to describe the way i feel right now. i looked through my usual favourites.. but none of them will do.
U2’s lyrics are all about god, sex and drugs. Depeche Mode is all about drugs and occassionally sex. Coldplay writes about bubbles and spies and general nouns. bah.
for someone who likes lyrics, i sure have struck out tonight. anyone want to suggest some good lyricists?

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  1. Please forgive me
    If I act a little strange
    For I know not what I do.
    Feels like lightning running through my veins
    Everytime I look at you
    Everytime I look at you.
    Help me out here
    All my words are falling short
    And there’s so much I want to say
    Want to tell you just how good it feels
    When you look at me that way
    When you look at me that way.

  2. I have to say, I very much agree with your description of coldplay lyrics, however, I still find them interesting and enjoy most of their stuff…
    I think if I had to put some lyrics in here descibing my mood to some degree I’d have to put the monolouge that is on the ispirazione – psalm. Wish I could remember them word for word…

  3. james — this is from memory, probably tons of errors:
    a rock/a river/a tree
    host to species/long since departed;
    but today/the rock cries out to us
    seek no haven/in my shadow
    you will find/no hiding place/down here
    you/created only a little lower than the angels
    have crouched too long/in the bruising darkness… darkness… darkness….

  4. that’s it krishen:) That’s interesting, that it was presented at clinton’s inauguration. For me, one of the most poignant parts of it is the sentence: “If you will study war no more.” I feel it says it all right there.

  5. driving me crazy

    ever since i read davin’s post about not being able to find lyrics that suit him right now, i’ve been going crazy trying to find some that work for me right now. and i think i did. instructions from the…

  6. drving me crazy

    ever since i read davin’s post about not being able to find lyrics that suit him right now, i’ve been going crazy trying to find some that work for me right now. and i think i did. instructions from the…

  7. Where’s the love song?
    To set us free
    Too many people down
    Everything turning the wrong way around
    And I don’t know what love will be
    But if we start dreaming now
    Lord knows we’ll never leave the clouds
    And you’ve been so busy lately that you haven’t found the time
    To open up your mind
    And watch the world spinning gently out of time
    Feel the sunshine on your face
    It’s in a computer now
    Gone are the future, way out in space
    And you’ve been so busy lately that you haven’t found the time
    To open up your mind
    And watch the world spinning gently out of time
    And you’ve been so busy lately that you haven’t found the time
    To open up your mind
    And watch the world spinning gently out of time
    Tell me I’m not dreaming but are we out of time?
    (We’re) out of time
    Out of time
    Out of time
    Out of time
    Out of time
    i’ve been listening to this song quite frequently these last couple of weeks. it’s a good one. kind of abstract, but the whole cadence of the song really strikes a chord with my own personal feelings.

  8. miriam: ahh billy corgan is/was a good one for sure. i don’t know jeff buckley’s songs that well, but i have heard a few. and i know who ben harper is but i don’t know any of his music at all. i’ll take a gander!
    charles: cool words. who do they belong to?

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