top ten most downloaded mixes

tea at the breakwater
out of all the radio shows and mix cd’s i’ve put up for download, here are the top ten most downloaded as of november 12th, 2005:

  1. AFK – Pacific Front Sessions Mix October (2005) [Download]
  2. ariz0na – The Rush (2004) [Download]
  3. AFK – Protonized on Proton Radio (2005) [Download]
  4. AFK – Storm Warning 001 (2005) [Download]
  5. ariz0na – Shimmer (2004) [Download]
  6. ariz0na – Elliptical Orbit (2002) [Download]
  7. ariz0na – Force of Nature (2000) [Download]
  8. ariz0na – Adrenaline (2005) [Download]
  9. ariz0na – Stealth (2002) [Download]
  10. ariz0na – Proton Radio Featured Artist Mix (2003) [Download]

pretty interesting that the AFK stuff has been pretty consistently well received, though I have a feeling that the Adrenaline mix will be closer to the top of the list by the end of the month, it’s getting about a hundred downloads a week at the moment.

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