if you had actually asked a question, i might have an answer for you. 😉
How many standard sized jelly beans can you fit into a 500 ml jar?
Ria: 5. You didn’t say ‘what is the most number of standard size ..’. So 5 is technically a correct answer to your question. I can fit 5 in there. Aha.
What text existed before being replaced with the ‘[censored]’ in this particular blog entry?
Hybridesque: A great amount of it.
But you know .. it’s for the best. Sometimes ..
Pssssst! Send me the uncensored version later, k? … It’s okay, I can take it! hehe j/k ;oP
Gorgeous flower shots, btw… who needs words with those in there?
if you had actually asked a question, i might have an answer for you. 😉
How many standard sized jelly beans can you fit into a 500 ml jar?
Ria: 5. You didn’t say ‘what is the most number of standard size ..’. So 5 is technically a correct answer to your question. I can fit 5 in there. Aha.
What text existed before being replaced with the ‘[censored]’ in this particular blog entry?
Hybridesque: A great amount of it.
But you know .. it’s for the best. Sometimes ..
Pssssst! Send me the uncensored version later, k? … It’s okay, I can take it! hehe j/k ;oP
Gorgeous flower shots, btw… who needs words with those in there?