thanks to aaron (domain name), jodie (maintenance of blog list), and myself (hosting, design, construction) we have a website to call all our own:
if you would like your blog added, please contact jodie. [spam protected — take out REMOVE before sending your email. and fixed. whoops!]
this is post 666!! ahhhhh!!!!! the devil!!!!!!
mine can be added. That email link isn’t working btw
me too, me too!!!
I also tried that not working link.
I got it!
Crazy people can’t read instructions!
However, you might wanna talk to Jodie and/or review the list. Kenzie hasn’t blogged in a year, the URL for my site is waaaay old, and so is YOURS in fact! I emailed Jodie re: Kenzie and myself, but didn’t discover yours until just now.
well, at least I escaped being comment number 6 on post 666.
wooooo hoooooo comment number 6 on post 666.
does 4 sixes mean anything?
I removed remove from the url so it looked like this:, but that didn’t seem to solve the problem I still get the Not Found error. don’t you have to make the link a mailto: one? well it works if I remove that part and then paste it into outlook, but why not just make it open your email client from the link?
hmm, I’m not too bright… davin you need to edit my last post (apparently I can’t), because I put jodie’s email without the remove part and the spam spiders may be able to find it… me so stoopid.