it was noted to me today from erik, who is an expert on all things speedy and to do with computers, that the benchmark tests that apple did for the G5 vs. P4 were not truly representative of reality. this doesn’t surprise me — companies bend stats the way that is advantageous for their own […]
Monthly Archives: September 2003
i came home from work yesterday and went to sleep. i just woke up.. hardcore!! 14 hours of sleep!! i am never up this early on a saturday morning. well hardly ever. nobody else seems to be awake. if it is going to be a sunny day, i think i want to go to the […]
levels of intensity
i think that last night was the 3rd or 4th time i have seen baraka. they were playing it at cinecenta last night and i went with craig and erica. we bumped into julie, gerry, sandra, paul, tammie, morgan, leslie, james and monika at the theatre and talked a bit about the movie after.. but […]
happy birthday donna!!
note: this is me and donna at 10:21 pm last night. here we are at around 1:40 a.m., same night. this picture was taken after having the best time that we’ve had in years!!
labour day weekend pictures
and with no further delays.. white wine at dinner time (friday night) neil at the dinner welcome to the party! (saturday night) flamingos at the underground party yoseff and nigel haze freya freya freya nick “the cockhammer” gurns vj orion sarah someone is with the deejay oooookaay? put your hands up in the air please! […]
coldplay – amsterdam
amsterDAMN this is an amazing tune!!
this is very interesting for anyone in victoria who uses moveabletype: in fact, the whole idea is pretty interesting. i have always been into online geek real life conferencing (or “meets” as they are referred to by most people) and this is a neato looking tool for such planning. if you are in […]
i’ll be doing a bigger post tonight about the labour day weekend. truly huge! what a rock star weekend indeed.