
i have done nothing today, except for a small record order from HTFR. and that isn’t really any big accomplishment. i disputed a parking ticket over the phone, and i need to go to the store to pick up some stuff. it was kinda weird. i played the first two hours because yoseff decided to […]


today i am going for coffee with a friend who i have not hung out with in some time. this some time is .. at least a few weeks, but for some reason it feels like way longer than that. every time we go for coffee it is really enjoyable. this person has a different […]


work was a blast today. we took tonnnnes of pictures and worked on a mega powerpoint presentation. leet. i am going to go to ben’s place and we’re going to spin records. we usually shoutcast, so if that happens i’ll be posting the url here in about half an hour. 🙂 later tonight i’m going […]


i was giving presentations in Sooke Elementary yesterday when I saw this sign. nice. so where does the curriculum focus on this subject of “right”? Great message, but I wonder how safe it is to explore that topic in those grades. top two interactions at today’s booth in Family Food Mart: 1) old man approaches […]

dcc the bread

[irc.arcti.ca] DCC SEND offer from ariz0na (~z0namassi@h24-77-*-*.gv.shawcable.net) host:port=24.77.*.*:1024 (“Bread”, 126687 bites) Work was good today. Visited Sooke Elementary and put on the skits and the presentations, 2 of each. I am exhausted. Time to nap. And then I’m not sure what. 🙂

entry 106

the potluck was awesome. lots of fun. rodney did an excellent job, was an uber host, and someone even voted for my casarole as being the best dish there! yay! i voted for the sushi though. mmmm that was super. seems lately i’ve been visiting people and people have been playing host. i can not […]